Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against God and His Messenger and strive upon earth (to cause) corruption, is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land (Quran, 5:33).
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is indeed the only man in the history of mankind who for maintaining peace accepted, seemingly the most unacceptable conditions. Peace treaty of Hudaibiya is the finest example of the prophetic version of Islam. The only version of Islam. Incident of digging a trench to avoid war is another such fine example. (Quran: 33)
He indeed always opted for the easier path. As narrated by Aisha (his wife), “Whenever the prophet had to choose between two courses, he would always opt for the easier one”. The most important aspect of Prophet’s mission was that it was the most peaceful where there was a place for everyone belonging to any faith. His conduct with Jews and Christians of his times bears the testimony to this fact. The very aim of the peaceful mission was to maintain peace. Peace was not only a means but also an end. And herein lies the success of his mission. “It is this unparalleled combination of secular and religious influence which I feel entitles Muhammad (S.A.W) to be considered the most influential single figure in human history” says Michael Hart. Quran truly says, “You have indeed the Prophet of God a good example” (Quran, 33:31). So those who claim to be a Muslim must abide by him alone. They must understand that mission of Muhammad (S.A.W) was apolitical in the true sense of the term. They must also understand that violence and war are indeed never easy paths. Fighting is always tougher than negotiation. Bloodshed is always stiffer than nonviolence.
It is pertinent for all of us, Muslims or Non-Muslims, to note that, Quran instead of Victory of Makkah, calls the ‘Peace Treaty of Hudaibiya’ an “Open Victory” that is Fateh Mubeen (Quran: 2).
One of the terms of the treaty of Hudaibiya was that if a Quraishite comes without the permission of his guardian to Muhammad (S.A.W), he shall be delivered back to the Quraish; but if, on the other hand, one of Muhammad’s (S.A.W) people comes to the Quraish, he shall not be returned to Muhammad (S.A.W). Another term of the treaty was that Muhammad (S.A.W), with his companions, must withdraw from Makkah for Pilgrimage this time, but next year, he may come along with his companions to Makkah and remain for three days, yet without their weapons except those of a traveller, the swords remaining in their sheaths. (Muslim: 44014405). Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) despite facing disagreements with his core companions agreed to these terms unilaterally. The sole purpose was to uphold peace.
Let us now try to understand what Quran means by saying kill those who fight against God and the Prophet. It cannot be restricted to any particular incident of prophetic life alone. Fighting God can never be taken literally. Similarly fighting prophet does not necessarily mean fighting against him in some battle field alone. Fighting God includes fighting Prophet too and fighting Prophet means attributing wrong to him too. It also means defaming him and his teachings as well as taking a satanic discourse and calling it a Prophetic one. This applies to the heinous crimes carried out by ISIS, Tehreek-e-Taliban and Bokoharam. Killing of innocent human beings belonging to different faiths, forcing them to flee their homes, kidnapping of girls, and random bombing in the social space is all a satanic discourse which can lead to a satanic destination only. Creating chaos in the land, killing women and children, destroying sacred places, etc., is indeed a satanic discourse. And if it is done in the name of God, then it is indeed a war against God. A war against Prophet. A war against all
Associating any such killings be it in Afghanistan, Kashmir, Pakistan, Iraq or anywhere in the world with any religion will be a great error. All this has nothing to do with any version of religion. Any version of Islam. It may be a war for land or power but not for religion. It can be called racism, nationalism, tribalism, barbarianism, rascal-ism or anything else but not religion. Not the one Muhammad (S.A.W) taught. Not the one Muhammad practiced.
Quran goes thus, “Whosoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption (done) in the land, it is as if he had slain mankind entirely, and whosoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.” (Quran 5:32) Peshawar incident that shook the whole humanity calls all Muslims, no matter what school of thought they belong to, for an action against all these mischievous attacks on humanity. Against all this mischief in the name of God and Prophet. These are the people who actually give a chance to the mischievous people for creating blasphemous cartoons and movies. This is indeed an incident which is more blasphemous than blasphemy itself.
Published in Pakistan Observer, Kashmir Dispatch, Kashmir Reader etc
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